Let your members connect to their portal with their Google or Facebook account


Social connectors like Facebook and Google offer increased reach, improved customer experience, enhanced data quality, user trust, and elimination of password fatigue for members. In Qualifio, you can empower your members to seamlessly reach their portal with such social logins. 

Step 1: Set up your Google or Facebook login app

To enable Google or Facebook login in Qualifio, you need a validated app, set up on either Google's or Facebook's developer platform.

You must provide valid Oauth URIs for both login providers. Users will be directed to these URIs during login.

Step 2: create Social Login connectors

In the section "Integrations" > "connectors", you can create and configure social login connectors to  allow the members of your program to log in using their social media accounts. To create such a connector, follow these steps: 

  1. Click on the "+" button in the sidebar or the button in the middle of the detail section.
  2. Select the social provider, choosing from Facebook login or Google login.Capture d’écran 2023-11-06 à 21.10.12.png
  3. Provide a name for your connector in the input field.
  4. Click "Save" to create the connector
  5. For Google login and Facebook login integrations, you will be required to enter additional configuration details in the "global variables" tab: 

Capture d’écran 2023-11-06 à 21.50.34.png

- Client ID & secret:  the ID of the client’s (i.e. Facebook or Google) application asking for authorization and the secret of this application.

  • For Facebook applications, client ID and secret can be found in Meta developers, under "App settings" > "Basic", in the top section of your page.
  • For Google applications,  in the google Cloud Console, in section "API and services" > Credentials, click on the download icon to consult ID and secret at once.

- Scope:  the list of permissions that the application requests. In other terms, the amount of data you will fetch from the members profile via the social login. This is of course subject to the approval to Google or Facebook's approval.

  • Scopes of google are documented here.
  • Scopes for Facebook login are documented here.

Step 2: create a Login Screen 

To provide a seamless login experience for your members in line with the visual identity of your brand, you can design a login screen for your reward programs.

Log in screens provide a webpage integrating the login connectors behind simple log in buttons. They are available in the "Integrations" > "Login screen" section.

Capture d’écran 2023-11-06 à 21.54.18.png

Follow these steps to create a login screen:

  1. Click on creating a new login screen in  "Integrations" > "Login screen."
  2. Name the login screen
  3. In the multi-select dropdown, choose one or multiple social login connectors to use in your login screen.
  4. Select the languages in which your login screen will be available. A different layout version of the login screen can be defined for each language.
  5. click on Save.

Step 3: Customize the login screen and make it appealing

Once the login screen is created, it appears in the table overview in section "Integrations" > "Log in screens". Click on the edition pencil icon to edit the layout of the log in screen.

Under tab "HMTL", in the HTML editor available, you can create advanced designs for the login screens

Capture d’écran 2023-11-06 à 23.06.06.png

Step 4: Activate the Login Screen for a program 

Program managers must activate an existing login screen to allow members to connect with it to the portal. This feature is available in section "Programs" > "Settings" >  "Program access". 

Capture d’écran 2023-11-06 à 23.11.10.png

In the top section, a dropdown is available to select how members will log in to the portal. Two types of options are available

  1. No login page: no login page is applied,  member will connect via the default Single Sign-On configured for your program.
  2. Specific login page X (e.g. 'Test Art' in screenshot): in this case, members connect via the selected login page. 

Member are now able to connect to their portal via a custom log in page, just like on the screenshot below.

Capture d’écran 2023-11-27 à 09.25.09.png

Note: the access method feature must be activated beforehand by Qualifio team member. Please contact your CSM in case it has not been activated for you yet.

Warning: updating the access method can be impactful. Any change of setup will be persisted after a   propagation time of max. 5 minutes. During this timeframe, the portal cannot be accessed by members anymore. Make sure to communicate to your program's audience consequently.

Once it has been selected as preferred access method, you're ready to log in to the portal via your very own login page! 

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