How to create related drop-down lists

The question type "Related drop-down lists" will allow the participant to make several choices, with each choice depending on the previous one. For example:

  • First choice: Please select your country
  • Second choice: Please select your region
  • Third choice: Please select your store

In this example, the selected store will depend on the region, which will itself be relative to the country that was selected by the participant.


1. Create a .CSV file (Excel):

  • First line always has to define the title of the list.
  • Column A: Answer elements linked to first choice (so the list of all countries);
  • Column B: Answer elements linked to second choice (so the list of all regions);
  • Column C: Answer elements linked to third choice (so the list of all stores);
  • Etc.

Therefore, you must apply the following format:

  • Line 1: column A: Country ; column B: Region ; column C: City
  • Line 2: column A: France ; column B: Rhône-Alpes ; column C: Chambéry
  • Line 3: column A:  France ; column B: Rhône-Alpes ; column C: Lyon
  • Line 4: column A: France ; column B: Rhône-Alpes ; column C: Annecy
  • Line 5: column A: France ; column B: Île de France ; column C: Paris
  • Line 6: column A: France ; column B: Île de France ; column C: Versailles
  • Line 7: column A: Belgique ; column B: Bruxelles ; column C: Anderlecht
  • Line 8: column A: Belgique ; column B: Bruxelles ; column C: Berchem-Sainte-Agathe
  • Etc.

2. Import your file in Qualifio:


Note: if you are working in a Mac/OS X environment, you must select the format "CSV (Windows) (separator: semicolon) (.csv)"

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