Observer role: limited access to selected campaigns

Olivier de Lamotte -

What is the Observer status?

The Observer status is a type of user in your Qualifio account. This user will only be able to see the preview, link/integration code and stats of a campaign. You will need to create the account and then select which campaign this user can see (with an expiration date).

This user won't be allowed to modify anything within the campaign.

This option is particularly helpful if you need:

- Limited access to your agency for photo moderation

- Access to the stats for your advertiser (if you have a co-branded action)

- Access for the stakeholders who don't need to see the operational campaigns, just the stats


How can I add Observers to my Qualifio Account? (You need to be an admin)

You first need to make sure that the option is activated in your account (Advanced features)

In order to add an Observer, just create an account and choose the Observer status.

Then, you'll need to point out the campaigns that person can access.


By clicking this button, you'll open this screen and define end date for viewing the campaign in order for the Observer to view it in the first place.


You have a complete view of all Campaigns by Observers and Observers by campaigns in the 'Observers' option of the parameters.


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