Why does my Facebook share open in a pop-up blocked by the browser?

On July 19th, Facebook changed its API settings. Since then, the following URL: renderer.player.qualifio.com allows us to display data configured in Qualifio (e.g. custom share message with variables, etc.). This URL is unique, and we won't be able to customize nor change it in the coming weeks.

Our team is working to develop a better generic domain name, which would still be identical for all our users.

Facebook announced that a solution is now under development for businesses using Facebook metadata rewriting, as we do. The release date of this solution, however, remains vague.


What does this have to do with the pop-up blocker?

As a result of this change, some browsers such as Google Chrome block the "new" pop-up that opens to share your campaign on Facebook because they don't "like" its behavior.

Our technical team is currently looking at a number of approaches to fix this issue.

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