How to use the branching logic in Qualifio

Branching allows you to skip questions based on rules you put in place. It lets you control which questions your participants see based on their responses to previous questions.

For best results, create all survey or personality test questions before creating any branches.

Understanding branching logic

Branching is useful when you want to send participants down different paths within your campaign. Branching logic is a bit like "Choose your own adventure" books: based on how participants respond to some questions, they will take a different route.


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How to set up branching in your surveys and personality tests?

1. Where can I find the branching feature?

Depending on what you need, this feature is available in two places in Qualifio's wizard. To start, click on "Create a new campaign."

  • Do you simply wish to be able to use branching in a campaign?


  • You want to use branching in your campaign AND be able to set up customised exit screens?


In this case, as in a classic personality test, customised exit screens will be your different profiles set up in the "Exit" step.

2. What are the various branching options?

Branching is a feature designed to make your campaigns smarter. In campaigns with branching, each answer has 3 possible options:

  1. "Next question": go to the following question (this option is activated by default);
  2. "Question N": jump to a specific question further in the questionnaire;
  3. "End of questionnaire": end the questionnaire (thus jumping to the form or exit screen).

For instance, if your questionnaire has 7 questions in total, here are your options for each possible answer to the first question:



Can I branch from question 4 back to question 1 depending on the user's response?

No. You must always branch forward to a later question in the survey or personality test. You cannot let participants go back to previous questions.

Can I branch from an open-ended or multiple-choice question?

No. The system doesn't allow for branching per answer when the question is open-ended or multiple choice. If you are using an open question (e.g. text area) or a multiple answer kind of question (e.g. checkboxes), your branching option will be applied to all answers. For example, if you choose a "text area", the system won't analyse all entries to redirect participants based on the answer they typed in. Whatever the participant's answer, they will all be directed to the same location.

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