What dimensions to prioritize for the visuals in your campaigns?

Stefano Rossi -

Quick access:

☑︎ Swiper

☑︎ Puzzle

☑︎ Jackpot

☑︎ Wheel of fortune

☑︎ Memory

☑︎ Advent calendar


iframe - Quiz.png

For the background image, banner, and footer, make sure to plan for a width equivalent to the width of the campaign. By default, the width of a Qualifio iframe is 810 pixels, but of course it can be adapted to your needs. For example, if your Iframe is 650 pixels wide, then your background image, banner and footer should be 650 pixels wide too. 

Tip: Remember to export visuals in x2 size for high-resolution screens.

As for the height, it is flexible depending on the visual. However, to maximize content visibility, we recommend not exceeding 400 pixels in height to adhere to the waterline.



iframe -Swiper.png



iframe - Puzzle.png



iframe - Jackpot.png


Wheel of fortune

iframe - Wheel of fortune.png





iframe - Memory.png iframe - Memory2.png



Advent calendar

iframe -Calendrier.png


On the same topic: Optimize your images to maximize the impact of your campaigns!


Thank you for reading. If you need any help making changes to your campaign, contact us.

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