Campaign feeds in the portal

Arthur Jolly -


Campaign feeds allow you to automatically publish your campaigns without human intervention. They can now be easily integrated into the portal and let members seamlessly participate in them. 

Extensive information on their configuration can be found in the campaign feeds FAQ

Publishing campaign feeds in your portal

Using the dedicated widget named "campaign feed" in the editor, you can integrate feeds into your portal effortlessly. Simply navigate to the designated section in the portal and select the campaign feed widget.

Capture d’écran 2024-02-18 à 21.08.07.png

Once dragged into the edition zone, utilise the search functionality to find and select desired campaign feeds from the ones available in your account.

Capture d’écran 2024-02-18 à 21.15.01.png

Use the widget option to define the number of campaigns shown at once to the members. By default, it will be 5. For example, if you input 3, the member will be able to scroll down the first 3 campaigns in the feed. They will then use a "show more" button to see the next 3 campaigns. And so forth till the end of the feed.

Capture d’écran 2024-02-18 à 21.18.26.png

Participating in a campaign feed

Upon logging into the portal, members are presented with a vertical list view of active and relevant campaigns. Clicking on a campaign thumbnail grants immediate access to the campaign, made ever so seamless with form pre-filling with the member data gathered from their portal session.

Members can interact with campaigns by clicking on their respective thumbnails or "participate" buttons. The behaviour upon interaction varies based on the campaign's primary channel, with widgets opening in pop-ups and minisites launching in new tabs.

Furthermore, the "show more" button allows members to explore additional campaigns beyond the initial quantity defined in the widget options, maintaining a consistent user experience across desktop and mobile devices.

Campaigns within the feed are meticulously ordered by their start dates, ensuring members encounter time-sensitive opportunities first.

Each campaign thumbnail includes essential elements such as images, titles, descriptions, and localised "participate" buttons for enhanced clarity. 

Important: images, titles and descriptions come from the virality step of each specific campaign in the feed, so make sure to fill in this information. In cases where such information is unavailable, default displays are provided to maintain a cohesive visual experience for members.


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