Everything about forms' cross account duplication

It is possible to duplicate forms or master forms across several accounts within an organization.

This feature enables admins and marketers to quickly duplicate forms while ensuring all variables and integrations are correctly linked, reducing the risk of errors and inconsistencies. It addresses the challenge of manually recreating lengthy forms in different accounts, saving valuable time and effort. Additionally, it provides clear feedback when duplication is not feasible, maintaining transparency and ensuring users are fully aware of any limitations or required adjustments. This tool is ideal for organizations with multiple accounts looking to standardize their form management and improve cross-account campaign execution.

This feature is located just next to the edit button in the form management.

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Who can duplicate forms across accounts?

  • Admins of >1 account in the same organization
  • Marketer in one account that allows for Marketer to manage forms and that have Marketeer/Admin rights in other accounts of the same organization

What are the limits or cross-account form duplication?

Missing variables

All mapping variables present in the form must be available in the destination account. This is mapped on the following way:

    • Variable present at the organisation level will be re-used
    • Variables will be mapped with equal technical names

If none of the criteria are met, duplication will not be possible and an explicit error message (stating which variables are missing) will be displayed.

Missing advanced features

If conditional form fields, opt-out consent or standard normalization are used in the form, they must be activated in the destination account to duplicate the form.

Custom elements used

If a "custom" data validation or SSO is used, the duplication will not be possible.


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