Where can I publish my campaigns?

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On a website via an iframe

An iframe is an HTML or JavaScript tag that lets you publish on your website a piece of content coming from another one.

  1. Select Iframe
  2. Select the website linked to this campaign.
  3. Type the URL of your campaign: the URL of the page where you'll publish your iFrame.
  4. Qualifio gives you an HTML of JavaScript tag.
  5. Copy/paste this code in your CMS.

Iframe tag example:

<div id="qualifio_insert_place_173291" class="qualifio_iframe_wrapper"></div>

<script type="text/javascript">
(function(b,o,n,u,s){var a,t;a=b.createElement(u);a.async=1;a.src=s;t=b.getElementsByTagName(u)[0];t.parentNode.insertBefore(a,t);o[n]=o[n]||[]}) (document,window,'_qual_async','script','//player.qualifio.com/kit/qualp.2.min.js');
_qual_async.push(['createIframe', 'qualifio_insert_place_173291', 'player.qualifio.com', '20', 'D0631FBA-98B6-988D-0C0A-9FB290F99724', '100%', '1200', '', '', '', 'max-width:810px;margin:0 auto;']);


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On a dedicated minisite

A minisite is a dedicated small website that hosts a Qualifio campaign. Minisites are managed by Admin users.

A minisite can have the header/footer/sidebar of your website, or a totally different design.

  1. Select Minisite.
  2. Select the website linked to this campaign.
  3. Qualifio gives a ready-to-use URL per minisite.

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