How to create or edit a template

Once you have customized your template, you have 3 options: 

  1. Save & Save and continue:
    You will apply the look and feel ONLY on the campaign you are working on and on the channel you have selected.

  2. Save as a new template:
    You will create a new template and make it available to a type of campaign and on selected channels.

    Warning: campaigns using these templates will not automatically be altered. The changes will only apply to your current campaign and future campaigns. To apply these changes to old campaigns you must return in your old campaigns, go to step "Appearance" load the template and save.

  3. Save template:
    You save the changes of your existing template. (Warning: not available on templates proposed by Qualifio. In that case you need to save them as a new template).

    Warning: campaigns using these templates will not automatically be altered. The changes will only apply to your current campaign and future campaigns. To apply these changes to old campaigns you must return in your old campaigns, go to step "Appearance" load the template and save.
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