How to generate new followers with a soft gate

What is a soft gate?

A soft gate is a customisable box displayed on top of the first screen of your campaign. It invites participants to like a specific Facebook page or X account before entering a campaign.

It can be activated in the step "1. Publication” simply check ''activate a soft gate".

The soft gate can be used in any contest on any publication channel and works on mobile devices. However - in order inter alia to respect Facebook rules -  you can’t force participants to like your Facebook page or X account.

For example, you can invite participants to like your Facebook page or X account from a contest on your website. But participants can skip this step and access your campaign without clicking on the "like" or "follow" button.

How to set up your soft gate?

Go to the step "publication channel" of your campaign and click on ''activate a soft gate''.

  1. Set your soft gate: Activate X and/or Facebook

    For Facebook: The URL of your page.

    X: the name of the account (without « @ »)

    Example: Qualifio

  2. Type title for the soft gate pop-up. Type a description for this pop-up.

  3. Insert a description for this pop-up

  4. Enter a label for the closing button. This button allows participants to access your campaign without liking your page. An ”exit" button is also available in the top right hand.


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