How do "text comparison" questions work?

This type of question allows you to make participants encode their answer. Points will be given if their answer is similar to your answer. 

In order to create this type of question, follow these steps :

  1. Select the type "Memo area with text comparison"
  2. Type your question
  3. Type the correct text that the player should type to get a point.
  4. Select a matching level
    This matching level is the percentage of mistakes that you tolerate in the answer of the player.

Warning: capital letters, special characters and spaces are taken into account.

It is highly recommended to make tests before you publish your campaign.


For example: Player must find "abcdefghij" with 90% matching
As it is a 10 letters word with 10% of mistakes tolerated,  the player must have at least 9 correct letters to get a point.

Examples of answers :

  • abcdefghij  -> 1 point (perfect answer)

  • abcdefghi   -> 1 point (there is only one letter misisng )

  • abcdefghijk -> 1 point (there is only one additional letter)

  • ABcdefghij  -> 0 points ("AB" should be "ab": 2 mistakes, which means 80% of matching whereas we selected 90%)
  • âbcdéfghij   -> 0 points ("â" should be "a", and "é" should be "e": 2 mistakes, which means 80% of matching whereas we selected 90%)
  • a b cdefghij -> 0 points (there are two additional spaces in the word: 2 mistakes, which means 80% of matching whereas we selected 90%)



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