How to change the background image on different screens

T.V -

To change the background image on different screens of your campaign :

  1. Upload your new background in the library (screenshot 1)
  2. Right-click on the picture > choose > copy the link of your image (screenshot 2)
  3. Go back into your campaign > 2. Look and feel > CSS > past this code (screenshot 3) :
    .intro {
    background-image: url("");
  4. Paste the URL of your image :
    .intro {
    background-image: url("");

Now you have a different background for the screen with the class: .intro > Every screen has a different class; you can see them in the CSS instruction document by clicking on the button under the CSS field.

For example, you have for :

  1. Welcome screen : .intro
  2. Question screen : .questionset
  3. Form screen : .identityset
  4. End screen : .exit
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