Bulk photo upload

T.V -

Need to automate the upload of gallery images? You can bulk upload directly from the Multimedia panel – no need to upload photos one by one!

Step 1. Prepare your photo upload campaign

The bulk photo upload allows adding images only to existing campaigns. Set up a photo contest upload campaign if you haven't done it yet.

Step 2. Upload photos to Qualifio

Once you created your campaign, you can bulk upload the images to your campaign:

  1. Go to your Qualifio account → Multimedia → Bulk photo upload.
    Capture d’écran, le 2023-11-22 à 18.45.28.png
  2. Select the upload campaign for which you want to upload images.
  3. You will see the screen area where you'll be able to upload your images.
    Capture d’écran, le 2023-11-22 à 18.41.20.png
  4. Click to browse and select your image files. Keep the page open until all the images are uploaded. You will see a percentage showing the progress.
  5. When you see that the import is complete, click the Edit button below Description of uploaded files.
  6. This will open a table with columns matching your questionnaire and form fields. Type in the relevant data. Tip: Filling out each and every field one by one can be cumbersome. It is better to type the info of the first image, then you can copy and paste the fields for all the other ones.
  7. When you are done, save your changes.
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