What is the webview?

The webview is one of the integration method that you can use in Qualifio. First, it's important to notice that the webview is not the final URL of your campaign that you give to your participants.

An other feature of the webview is to test a welcome or an exit screen. You can visualize the campaign in it's final environment.

How to find the webview of my campaign?


Please note that : 

  • The Webview doesn't take the dimensions of your campaign. It will take 100% of the width of your window.
  • There's no structure, it is simply your campaign in an empty page.
  • It adapts automatically the size of the campaign based on the size and resolution of the screen. You can sometimes not see the background of your campaign
  • You can easily test the webview : if you reduce or enlarge progressively the size of your window, once you'll reach the right size, the background of your campaign will appear or disappear.
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