My background image doesn't display correctly

You uploaded correctly your background image into the step "Look & Feel" tab "General" > Background Image but it doesn't display correctly :


Here are some points to verify if you are in this situation:

  1. Does your background image have the same size (height and width) as your campaign size?
  2. Is your background image not too big? If your background image is bigger than 2500px height and (or) width, Qualifio will automatically resize your picture to a maximal size of 2500px. (In order to speed up the loading time of the campaign)
  3. Your background image doesn't show? In this case, you can check this link: What's the difference between the background image and the banner
  4. If your campaign is a widget, do not forget to verify that your widget's iframe code placed in your page still contains the parameter "max-width: xpx" (x being your campaign's width set in the 'Look and feel' step).
    Background-image in Qualifio campaigns is not displayed if your campaign occupies a different width than what is set in Qualifio. If the campaign occupies less width (for mobile for example), or as in this case, a larger campaign, as there is no more max-width, then the background image is hidden and the banner is displayed. As Qualifio is used by a large number of users, it is impossible for us to work differently and not force this rule.

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