Customising menu pop-up windows with CSS

Would you like to customise the pop-ups linked to your campaign menu?

The different buttons in the menu at the top right of your campaign each open a pop-up: the rules, the prizes, the contact tab and the winners.

It is not possible to have a different design from one pop-up to another. If you decide to change the look of one pop-up, it will be applied to all the others.

The following lines of CSS code should be placed in the CSS tab of the Look & Feel stage of your campaign.

Note: Some lines of CSS code require you to use the "!important" parameter to overwrite the default CSS.



transparent overlay/background around the pop-up:

#fancybox-overlay {
background: #8A101B;


pop-up background:

.fancybox_body #qualifio_wrapper {
background: #000 !important;


pop-up border:

.fancybox-skin {
background: #000000 !important;


close pop-up icon:

.fancybox-close {
background-image:url('votre lien');

background of the blocks behind each prize:

tr.dotation_container {
background: #ededed;
display: block;
padding: 20px 10px !important;
margin-bottom: 10px;

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