How to create a "guess-the-word" campaign?

To create a guess-the word, click on Add a new campaign and select in Animated Games > Guess-the-world.

Create a campaign guess-the-word:

  1. Write your introduction text or your question.
  2. Then enter your Word, a sentence or series of words separated with a comma.

    For a single word: type the word in the block and select :

    For a series of words: Type your text normally with a space between each word. Spaces will be displayed as empty boxes in the game. The participant will have to find the entire text to end the game.

    For a word (or a series of words) chosen randomly in a series of words you entered. Type each word (or series of words), and separate each of them with a comma. Then click on
  3. Choose the different options of your guess-the-word campaign
    Letters' appearance: Choose the appearance of your cards once the letter has been found

How to add a skip button to your game?

It is possible to skip the game. Below are the steps on how to set it up.

  1. Click to enter the Words step of your campaign.
  2. At the bottom of the screen, select Allow skipping the game.


We hope this helps. For questions, feel free to contact us.

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