How do I create a Memory game?

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Our interactive Memory format is like the classic match-and-pair game: your participants have to memorise what is on each card they flip in order to match them in pairs. For marketing, it is an excellent tool to promote your products and a good way to entertain the participant while they are in a branded environment.

Go ahead, test our demo Memory game →

Set up your Memory

The setup is simple, as you can select a number of cards, their format and their design:


The personalisation options also include the back side of the cards:


If the participant discovers two identical cards, the cards can either

  • remain visible, or
  • disappear.


Memory game options

  • The number of moves participants have is counted, which makes it a challenge to complete the game.
  • You can add a stopwatch: the one who finds the pairs the fastest wins!
  • Enable participants to reset the game... or not.

How to add a skip button to your memory game?

It is possible to skip the game. Below are the steps on how to set it up.

  1. Click to enter the Cards step of your campaign, then select Advanced settings.
  2. At the bottom of the screen, select Allow skipping the game.


Want to make your own memory game? Find out how easy it is in this tutorial:

Ideal Memory image sizes

Whether you're using landscape, portrait, or square images, Qualifio will allow you to crop it so as to fit the ratio of the cards. For instance, here's what might happen if you selected the square card format:


Once the ratio is good, we will also resize it so as to take up the full space provided and scale the height or width accordingly. Which means that almost all images will look great on your Memory game.

However, the key for Memory images is that their ideal dimensions will depend both on the width of your campaign's iFrame (Look & Feel > General > Width) and on the card format you selected.

If you keep the default iFrame width (810 pixels), the ideal dimensions are the following:

  • Square cards: 200 x 200 pixels
  • Playing cards: 200 pixels wide x 280 pixels tall
  • 2:3 cards: 200 pixels wide x 300 pixels tall

As long as your iFrame's width is around 800 pixels, your image will stay as it is. Otherwise, your image might be enlarged or contracted. So if it has a width that is smaller than 600 pixels or wider than 1200 pixels, you might want to adjust accordingly.

If your image is less than the ideal size, Qualifio will enlarge it and it might look pixelated.

If your image is more than the ideal size, Qualifio will "contract" it and your campaign might take longer to load.

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