How to automatically refresh ads on my parent page (page hosting the Qualifio embed code)

When you insert a Qualifio Iframe (in JS format) in a web page, you have the option to refresh the advertising elements of the parent page. The purpose of this action is to increase your ads inventory.

To automatically generate the refresh of your ads for each iframe refresh, please follow the following steps:

  1. Use the JS format to insert the Qualifio campaign on your page (not the HTML format thus).
  2. Add the refresh function of the ad server in the code of the page hosting the Qualifio campaign as the example below:
    <script type = "text / javascript" >
    refreshAds function () {
    // Instruction to refresh ads
    </ script>
    Please note that the name of the function depends from an ad server to another.
  3. In your Qualifio account, go to Settings > Websites > Basic information > Iframe : fill-in function name (eg 'refreshAds' )

For more information, contact ou helpdesk.

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