How to send an email to another address than the one of the participant?

You can decide to send an email to another email address from that of the participant. In order to do that, you need to collect this email address in the form as another variable than the {email} one (which is used to get the participant’s email).

Here’s the step-by-step guide:

  1. Go to "settings", than in the "variables" section, choose "custom CRM variables";
  2. Add a new variable: 'Small text zone or multiple checkbox';
  3. Create your campaign;
  4. In the identification form of your campaign, associate the previously added CRM variable to the field in which you want the user to fill in the destination email;
  5. In the exit step of your campaign, select the tab 'Send an e-mail message';
  6. Select the variable to use as recipient of the e-mail message.

This way, the participant will be able to fill out an email to which the email after participation will be sent. 

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