How to make participants like a Facebook page at the end of the campaign?

Inserting a Facebook like box in the exit screen is an easy operation. The probability that your participants like your Facebook page after the campaign might even be higher. 

Follow these steps :

 1) Go in the "Source" tab of your exit screen

2) Go on: and follow these steps: 

  1. Insert your Facebook page address.
  2. Define your layout.
  3. Click on "Get code"
  4. Choose "iframe"
  5. Paste the code in the source code of your exit screen.

3) Add the following CSS code in the CSS tab of the look & feel of your campaign:


.exit .quizz p iframe {

   width: 50px !important;


You can do the same with the X iframe.

Follow these steps:

  1. Go in the source code of your exit screen


  1. Go to
  2. Choose what you want to embed and get the code.
  3. Insert the code in the source code of your exit screen in Qualifio.
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