Creating a minisite wrapper

The wrapper is a simple .html file (or .php, .asp,...) that must be created by the user.  

The design must be hosted on the client's side and accessible from a public URL.

Your file must include, at least, a basic html structure and the variable $$content$$ in the <body>, this is where your campaign will be displayed.

Example :


It is also very important to define the following meta data in the <head> of your file : 

<meta property="og:title" content="Great contest XYZ"/> 
<meta property="og:image" content="Insert the link of your sharing image, we advice the following size: 1200x627"/> 
<meta property="og:description" content="Test your knowledge and win many many gifts"/>

If the HTML bloc in which the campaign is inserted has a fixed or a max size, it is very important that your webmaster /webdesigner / webdeveloper gives you this value.

In the look & feel step of your mini site channel, when you define it's width, it is very important that you don't choose a bigger size than the dedicated zone in your page. Your campaign must be smaller or have exactly the same size, otherwise the background will not display (and only the banner - if you don't have a banner, there will be no visual). 

Tip : When you insert the URL of your wrapper, update the name of the website with its size, example : 

« Summer - minisite 900px. »

« Summer - minisite 1100px. » , …

By doing this, the users who will take care of the campaign will know directly the size to apply. 

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