Limiting publishing rights to Admin & Marketer user roles in your Qualifio account

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If you’re an account admin in Qualifio, you can use the User Rights settings to limit the permission to publish and unpublish campaigns by turning them on or off.

Every Qualifio user needs to have a user role set in order to use the Qualifio account. You can learn more about how to assign roles in this article.

How to prevent other roles from publishing campaigns

As the amount of Qualifio users increases in your account, you may wish to take it a step further and find it necessary to tailor permissions more precisely. For example, you might prefer that only Admin and Marketer users have the authority to publish campaigns. This can be achieved by following these steps:

Step 1.
Go to Account access > User rights. The User Rights settings provide a comprehensive list of advanced permissions assigned by role, empowering you to effectively manage your account.

Step 2.
Look for the setting "Only Admins and Marketers can turn a campaign ON or OFF".

Step 3.
Click on the toggle button to enable this restriction.

Capture d’écran, le 2024-02-15 à 15.52.37.png

Please note: Any changes you make in this screen won’t take effect immediately. After modifying a setting, have the user log out and log back into Qualifio for the change to take effect.

Once implemented, users with roles other than Admin and Marketer will no longer have access to the campaign ON/OFF button, allowing you to effectively streamline your publishing process and maintain greater control over your Qualifio campaigns.

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