How to use email verification?

Do you want to verify the email addresses of participants? With the help of our email verification feature, you can verify the validity of an email. Read on to learn how you can verify email addresses in Qualifio.

How does email verification work in Qualifio?

In order to check if an email address is valid, our system allows you to send users an email requiring them to click a link to verify their email before their participation is taken into account.

Here are the steps taken in email verification:

  1. A user takes part in your campaign.
  2. A verification email is sent. The participation's status is "Waiting for validation" in your campaign statistics:
  3. The participant clicks the link in that email.
  4. A confirmation message appears in their browser. Their participation is validated and displayed normally in the "Participations" of your campaign statistics.

The thing to know: Email verification applies retroactively. Let's say you have a campaign starting on Monday. On Wednesday, you enable the email verification feature. Participations that happened between Monday and Wednesday will be considered "not valid" since the participant's email wasn't verified. Therefore, related data will not be found in the Dashboard nor the Detailed report. (They will, however, remain in the Global Statistics.) What you should do is export your data before you enable the email verification feature, since it is not possible to resend the verification email to these participants.

Step #1: Define a template for emails to participants

Please note that this feature is only accessible to account Admins and Marketers.

  • Go to Documents > Email verification templates
  • Click "Create a new template"
  • Select a language. If you choose English, this template will only be available for campaigns in English.
  • Select a website. You can link a template to a specific website or to all websites. If you create more than one template per website, the newer one will display, which is indicated by a red bullet on the left of the older template:


Emails can be edited inside specific campaigns too. Inside your campaign, go to the Settings step > Limits > Email verification. In the dropdown menu, choose "for this channel only".

  • Fill in the other fields
    • Sender's name: the name that will display in the email
    • Sender's email: this is actually the reply-to address, as emails are always sent from
    • Recipient: CRM variable to which the email will be sent (by default: {email})
  • Insert an email verification link that the participant will have to click.

You can either send an email for each participation or send it only once per participant. To change this setting, go to your campaign > Settings > Limits.

Step #2: Define what your confirmation screen will be

You can also customise the confirmation screen that displays after the email verification part.

Please note that this feature is only accessible to account Admins.

  • Go to Documents > Email verification templates
  • Click "Confirmation screen"
  • Create a new template
  • Select a language. If you choose English, this template will only be available for campaigns in English.
  • Select a website. You can link a template to a specific website or to all websites.
  • When it comes to the content of your confirmation screen, you have two options:
    • Enter your text, images, social media call-to-action, variables...
    • Redirect users to an existing page


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