What does "Sorry, this campaign is no longer available" mean?

Your campaign setup is perfect, but what to do when noticing that it doesn't work properly and the following error message is being displayed when you're viewing the campaign "Sorry, this campaign is no longer available"?

Why this error message?

This is a system error or alert caused by the fact that your campaign is turned OFF. Sure, this is frustrating and annoying but don't worry as we will show you how to easily fix the error.

How to fix it?

To fix this error message, we recommend turning your campaign ON. In order to do so, you have to turn on the toggle switch (on/off button) like so:


Once you've done this, your issue should be resolved and you should no longer be getting the "This campaign is no longer available" message.

Still having issues?

If that doesn't work, please use the "Submit a request" link on our Help Center to let us know more about what you're seeing.

We hope this helped!

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