Mark your campaign as a model

Have you ever spent time creating the perfect Qualifio campaign? You can save it as a model for easy re-use in the future.

A campaign model often defines the basic flow of a campaign and has some prefilled content. Models serve as a quick starting point for future campaigns by saving you time from having to rebuild your campaign from scratch.

  1. Go to Campaigns.
    Capture d’écran, le 2023-12-11 à 12.37.47.png
  2. Search for the campaign you want to mark as a model.
    Capture d’écran, le 2023-12-11 à 12.39.40.png
  3. Click the Edit icon to access the Channels step.
    Capture d’écran, le 2023-12-11 à 12.40.44.png
  4. Check "Flag this campaign as a model" and click Save.

Capture d’écran, le 2023-12-11 à 12.42.04.png

That's it! Next time, check your campaign list and you will see the campaign models at the top.

Models are available to all users across the account and all users can replicate/copy the models. Only the account administrator can specify new campaign models, mark/unmark a campaign as a model, view statistics, or delete the model.
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