How to distribute e-coupons using HighCo DATA

It is possible to link your form information to HighCo DATA and send personalised coupons to the participants.

How does it work?

A link/button will be created on the exit screen of your campaign that will redirect the participant to the e-coupon. This coupon is personalised with the information gathered in the form. You can also send that coupon via an email triggered at the end of a campaign. 

 The first step to do it is to contact Highco and define your business needs with them: 

  • The number of coupons you’d like 
  • The personalisation of these coupons (first name /last name/email) 
  • Ask for different coupons linked to the specific profiles you got from a personality test 
  • Etc. 

Once all these points are covered with Highco, the next steps are in Qualifio. 

Step 1: Activate Highco Data e-coupons in your account

Note: to activate Highco coupons in your account, you need to have admin rights in Qualifio

To make use of your Highco coupons, you need to link your Highco account. You can link all your websites to 1 Highco account or you can choose to link each of your websites to a separate HighCo Account.

1. Go to the "Integrations" and open the "Integrations" page.

2. Switch on the HighCo DATA e-coupon integration and click "Configure".

Capture d’écran, le 2023-12-14 à 10.27.45.png

3. Fill in the username and password you received from HighCo DATA by default for all the websites, or configure a different HighCo DATA account per website.


Step 2: Activate your e-coupons in your campaign

1. In the exit step of your campaign, click on "Insert a HighCo DATA e-coupon". Attention, you need to have an identified campaign to use our HighCo DATA integration as Qualifio will pre-fill the data of the user based on the data entered in the Qualifio campaign.

2. Fill in the Capuniquecode of your coupon list and enter a label for the button/link for the user.


A button will be generated on your exit screen. When the participant clicks this button, they will be redirected to the e-coupon:


Tip: you can add multiple coupons in one campaign and you can add different coupons based on score or based on profile in a personality test.

Tip 2: Send the coupon via email. To do soyou just need to create the same button in the email that you send to every participant.

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