How to create a “rebus” campaign?

Any step that is not referred here is similar to any standard Qualifio campaign.

A rebus is a coded message using pictures, numbers and letters to replace words. Turn the text of your choice into a fun little picture puzzle and ask your audience to name the words represented. The ideal format to help them discover your new line or product, for instance.

You have two options:

OPTION 1: create a “guess the word” campaign

  1. Create a new campaign: you will find the guess the word campaign in the “Animated Games” category;
  2. In the step “Words”, add your coded message based on words, emojis, GIFs, etc. or upload an image you created with your message to illustrate your question.

OPTION 2: create a quiz

  1. Create a new campaign: choose your quiz among different format options (instant win, sudden death, chrono quiz) in “Quizzes, competitions, predictions, jackpots & instant wins”;
  2. In the step “Questions” select the following field type: “Text area with text-comparison”;
  3. Add your coded message based on words, emojis, GIFs, etc. or upload an image you created with your message to illustrate your question.
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