How to share football and ice hockey teams to Facebook

Our new Facebook share option is now available in football and ice hockey Team Selector campaigns! Allow your users to share a link to their selection with their friends on Facebook.

To activate this feature:

First, log in to your account at

In the Virality step, click on "Exit screen actions":


Enable the Facebook share option by turning it ON. 


You will then be given the option to edit the text fields that appears.

Please note: The title and description fields will be used for both sharing the campaign and the participant's selection. It is currently not possible to have different virality texts for these shares.

Then, enable the option for the participant's to share their selection by turning it ON:


Make sure to click on "Save" when you are done.

How to remove the "Share on my wall" button

You have now enabled two Facebook Share options:

  • The possibility to share your Team Selector campaign ("Share on my wall"), and
  • The possibility for the participant to share their selection ("Share my selection").


If you would like to only activate the option to share the participant's selection, please access your campaign's Look & Feel step and click on "Change look and feel", then select "Advanced Settings" from the list of menus that appears on the left. From there, you can add the following code to the CSS tab:

.fb_button.fb_generic_share {
display: none;


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