How to make sure the form fields are cleared after a participation (to use at an event)?

You want to use a Qualifio campaign on a tablet at an event to collect data, although, you don't want the form to be prefilled by the previous participant's data?

That's not a standard feature in Qualifio but can be achieved without any problem.

1. Create your campaign (for instance, an identified quiz)

2. Configure it, choose "Minisite" as publication channel and put it "ON".

3. In the Exit step, activate the option "Display the Homepage button"


4. Participate (in production, not preview) until the last step. In the exit screen, click right on the "Homepage" button and Copy the link address.


5. In Qualifio, create a button "Play Again" and paste the URL you just copied, while adding at the end, just after the domain: "&clearfields". Put the target as "_self".


6. Remove the Homepage button.

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