Embedding interactive campaigns with oEmbed

Along with the manual ways of embedding campaigns from Qualifio, we support oEmbed to make it easier and more flexible to embed interactive content. Here's how it works.


oEmbed is a format for allowing an embedded representation of a URL on websites. The simple API allows a website to display embedded interactive campaigns when you post a link to that campaign, without having to copy and paste JavaScript. To find out more about the oEmbed standard, have a look at oEmbed.com

How it works

To embed a campaign into a page, place its Webview URL into the content area.

NOTE: You should first make sure that your CMS accepts oEmbed. Then, depending on which you use, you might need to use one of the oEmbed URLs (XML or JSON format).

That's how it works, just drop a Qualifio URL into the content area of an oEmbed-enabled website and it will automatically be converted into an interactive campaign.

Quick example

You drop this Qualifio campaign URL in (say) a blog post:


Qualifio then responds and returns a JavaScript iframe to display the campaign, which allows the embedding of the campaign on your website. Here it is working in WordPress:


Heads up! To make it really easy, the embed will use the width and height specified in your campaign's "Look & feel" step. That's where you can adjust these settings.

How can I add support for oEmbed to my Qualifio account?

To add support for oEmbed to your account, you'll want to use the Settings tab.

  1. Select the Advanced features and click Integrations methods to open the support options for various integration methods.
  2. Click the oEmbed toggle to add support for oEmbed.


That's it! Now it will work.


  1. If an invalid URL (one that doesn't match our regular expression) is given, nothing will show.
  2. If a campaign is found but is not available, we will return the "Before the campaign" or "After the campaign" screen.
  3. If the campaign is OFF, we will return "Sorry, this campaign is no longer available".

If something isn't making sense, our first responders are ready to assist you. Contact us to connect with a human.

Related articles

Where can I publish my campaigns? Learn more
Differences between JavaScript and HTML Learn more

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