Adding custom text to Facebook share buttons

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The Facebook share button lets participant add additional commentary around your link before sharing it on their Facebook feed, in groups or to friends via Messenger. It is a great way to get more visibility and let your participants help you promote your interactive campaign. You can add your own text to Facebook share buttons. We're about to show you how!

  1. First, create a campaign in Qualifio. Or go to your campaign > Virality > Exit screen actions.
  2. Turn Facebook ON to enable the sharing button in the exit screen of your campaign.

Add your custom text to "share campaign" button

Take this script and add a text for your participants to share (in orange):

$(".exit .fb_button span").html("Say something about this on Facebook");

Then, head over to the Channels step and paste the script into the Tags section. Make sure you are using the Additional HTML code tab and not another one.

You'll make something like this:


Click the Save button at the bottom right corner of your screen.

Add your custom text to the "share profile" button

If you're using the "share profile" button, it's easy to add your custom text to it too. All you have to do is specify what text should be shown (in orange below) and place the code in the Additional HTML code of your campaign.

Here is the code:

$(".fbShareWallProfile-button .fb_button span").html("Share your profile on Facebook");

All set! Your campaign is ready for all sorts of Facebook sharing.

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