Qualifio data retention

What is data retention? It's the term used to describe the amount of time that Qualifio will retain personal data. 

The data retention period in Qualifio is defined by your DPO (Data Privacy Officer) and can range from 1 week to 2 years (if no automatic rule is set).

What data is affected by the new rule?

The retention period is aimed at all types of data.

To be more precise:

  • Participants' identifiable data (e.g. name or email address) and uploads (e.g. pictures or videos from a gallery or user-generated content campaign) will be deleted after max. 2 years. However, you can set when it is deleted (depending on your legal context and own policies) – bearing in mind that maximum of 2 years. Once PII is deleted, the remaining non-personal data is thus anonymised.
  • Other types of data (e.g. your participants' answers to polls, anonymised or still linked to PII) will be deleted from each campaign after 2 years of retention.

Note that these settings will affect reports too (i.e. the data would not be available in your campaign statistics outside of the retention period).

Summary: Yes, it means that all types of data will be deleted from Qualifio after a maximum of 2 years. This also affects existing campaigns that were created more than 2 years ago (e.g. for someone who took part in your campaign in April 2017, their data will be deleted in April 2019 - regardless of when your campaign was created).

Why is this important?

The important thing for us is that, as a result of EU's new GDPR, Qualifio must now put an expiry date on any personally identifiable data that businesses retain in their Qualifio account.

Learn more about Qualifio and the GDPR here →

How to make changes?

Personally identifiable information (PII) and upload data will be retained according to the data retention settings selected at the account level (GDPR Toolbox) and for every Qualifio campaign you manage. If no setting is selected, the maximum period will be applied and the data will be retained for 24 months by default. This means that any older data will be deleted.


Changes can be made in the Settings GDPR Toolbox Personal data erasure Automatic user erasure menu to reflect the decisions your organisation has made to be in line with its own data retention policy.

Learn more about Qualifio's GDPR Toolbox →

What can I do to keep my data?

There are two things you can do to ensure you have all the data you need.

  • Integrate Qualifio with your data tools: as Qualifio is specialised in integrating with 3rd party tools, all the data you collect can automatically be sent to your CRM, SSO, DMP or marketing automation platform. This way, you can leverage the data you collect in a fast and efficient way (in real time).
  • Export your data: in Qualifio, your DPO has the possibility, at any time, to manually extract all the data collected within your account to import it in your other marketing and data tools.

Hopefully, this gives you a clearer understanding of our new data retention policy going into place on March 15th, 2019. Please use your own judgment and the advice of your own legal resources to determine what the appropriate setting for your campaigns should be and select those settings prior to this date.

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