Handling participant data export and erasure requests

Qualifio's GDPR Toolbox captures a record of requests that have been made to export or erase personal data.

Any user with access to the GDPR Toolbox can view their request history.

Users with DPO permission can also approve or deny pending requests by selecting the Approve or Deny buttons.


Personal data erasure requests

Data exports must be approved by a DPO.

  • Users with DPO permission will be notified of your request via email.
  • We'll email you if and when your request is approved.
  • Once it's approved, we'll erase the requested data.

Personal data export requests

Depending on your account settings, it's possible that data exports must also be approved by a DPO.

  • Users with DPO permission will be notified of your request via email.
  • We'll email you if and when your request is approved.
  • Once it's approved, you can process with your export. We'll create a .zip file of all the requested data, which you'll be able to download from the Export and erasure requests page by clicking the blue download icon.


More information on the GDPR Toolbox

You will find more detailed information about the GDPR Toolbox features in these support articles:

Alternatively, you can also contact our experts personally.

How can we help?

Don’t forget you can ask us a question if there’s something that isn’t covered here. Please click here to get in touch.

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