How to visualise question data using charts

Data visualisation plays an important role in data analysis because as soon as the human eyes see some charts or graphs they try finding the pattern in that chart. Question charts are graphs that give you a big picture of the data in a flash to help you understand participants' responses and guide your decision-making process.

Enable question charts

By default, the Detailed report of a campaign shows charts for all questions in the current campaign so you can gain a deeper understanding of the facts and insights hidden in the data.


Question charts provide charts for quick statistics on participants' responses. Once enabled, this feature adds a new option in the Statistics modal at the campaign level.


To enable question charts, you need to enable it as an advanced feature from the Settings (⚙️ icon in the upper right corner). Only account Admins can turn on or off the advanced features.

Note that campaigns with 100,000+ participations should show the chart option at all times, whether or not the advanced feature is enabled.

Visualise question charts

  1. Sign in to the Qualifio platform.
  2. In the Campaigns panel, click to open the Statistics of your campaign.
  3. Select the Question charts option from the modal.
  4. At the top of the page, you can change the question for which the graph is displayed. Use the drop-down to adjust which question is being shown.
  5. The chart will be immediately generated.


Moving your mouse over horizontal bars will display the value, i.e. show information on the number of participants who selected that answer.

For more information on visualising campaign data, refer to How to view the statistics in your Qualifio account?

WARNING: Errors in total output with branching logic.
If you look at those charts in a branching campaign, the total output might indicate a wrong number. This type of error is due to the branching logic: the "total" is calculated from the total number of respondents without taking the different branches of the campaign scenario into account. It's not you, it's us.

Supported question types

There are 6 types of question that can be used with the question charts:

  • Answer buttons
  • Radio buttons
  • Clickable images
  • Checkboxes
  • Ranking
  • Matrix questions (radio grid or slider)
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