Adding a Facebook Like button to a form

If you have already set up a Facebook page for your business, you know that Facebook has become one of the best channels to connect with your audience. Qualifio has made it even easier. Attract and gain Facebook fans by inviting campaign participants to “Like” your page within our forms.

Note: You can add a “Like” widget into different pages of your campaign using the “Page Plugin” from Facebook. Check this out: 

How it works

  1. Create a form using Qualifio.
  2. Copy your Facebook page’s URL (the one that is displayed in the address bar).Screenshot_2020-12-31_at_10.49.26.png
  3. Add a “Facebook Like” field from the panel.Screenshot_2020-12-31_at_10.51.17.png
  4. Add text inside the “Your question” field. Write something that you want your participants to see.
  5. Scroll down a little bit until you see “Options – URL”.
  6. Fill in the “URL” field with the URL of the Facebook Page to like (the one you copied in step 2).Screenshot_2020-12-31_at_10.55.24.png
  7. When you’re ready, click “Save”.
  8. Click “Preview” and check out your Facebook Like button in action.Screenshot_2020-12-31_at_10.54.35.png
  9. Congratulations! With one click on the button of your form, people who take part in your campaign will now start seeing the interesting things you post on your company’s Facebook page.

That’s it! Now that you’ve learned how to add a Facebook Like button to your form, you are ready to start increasing the number of people liking your page.

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