Integration guide for external games

Even if a game isn’t available in Qualifio, if you can build it, we can help you add it to a Qualifio campaign and launch it through the same interface as usual – particularly useful if you’re using Qualifio to collect data. Integrate your own game by following our handy guide below.

Do you want to create a unique game experience for your users? Great! Instead of managing a standalone marketing game (and the data you might be collecting with it!), you can add it right inside Qualifio.


Qualifio helps you add non-Qualifio games to campaigns, so you can use the platform’s superpowers to launch those games and access things like your integrations, Master Forms and statistics when participants are playing.

💡 As it requires some consultancy and technical services, this type of integration involves an extra fee.

How to add an external game to a Qualifio campaign

Note: Before you start the process, you’ll save yourself some time by figuring out whether the game you’re looking to build will be supported in Qualifio. To do so, share our technical details article with your developer (or the provider who will build the game) to make sure they’ll follow the rules described there.

Generally speaking though, at the end of each participation, we will have to receive two pieces of information from the game: the participant’ score and game time. This data should be transmitted from your game to Qualifio and will be displayed in the statistics of your campaign. You will also be able to make use of it in a leaderboard or to customise the end message. No other type of information is supported at the moment.

Here's how to get started

Easy integration process to get your external game up and running in a Qualifio campaign:

  1. First, contact your Customer Success Manager or Customer Support if you are interested in integrating an external game in Qualifio.
  2. If you haven’t done so already, share our technical details article with your developer or provider. In this article, they’ll find a sample HTML page to put online and host it on your end.
  3. Once you’ve got it set up, make sure you provide us with the web address the page is hosted at. We will use it as a placeholder for the game inside the campaign. It will help the game developer understand how to properly transmit the score and game time information to Qualifio.
  4. Once we validate that the communication between the page and Qualifio is up and running, you can move to the actual building of your game.
  5. At this stage, you can also start working on the design of the Qualifio campaign – or let us do it for you (via the Studio, for an extra fee).
Tip: To link your external game, we'll create a special type of campaign in your account. By clicking on the Game step, you will be presented with a thumbnail of the game. Since we're getting the page from a different service, you won't get the ability to edit that game directly in Qualifio.


That’s it! We touched on a lot in this article, so congrats for making it to the end 👏🏼

You can contact us for setup, troubleshooting or general questions related to building an external game to integrate into Qualifio.

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