Adding an "Other" text box

Adding an "Other" text box to a close-ended question allows participants to either comment on their answer, or provide an alternative answer if the available choices do not apply to them:

Allow participants to provide an alternative answer

To add an "Other" text box to a question:

  1. Click the Questions step in your campaign.
  2. Click a question to edit, or add a new one. It must be one of the following question types:
    – Checkboxes (multiple answer question where the participant can select more than one answer choice)
    – Radio buttons (to make the answer exclusive)
  3. Add an answer with the label "Other".
  4. Below the answer options, click the Subquestion icon (question mark).
  5. Customise the label for the "other" text box (e.g. "Please specify").
  6. Click Save.

Allow participants to comment on their answer

To add an comment box to a question:

  1. Click the Questions step in your campaign.
  2. Click a question to edit, or add a new one. It must be one of the following question types:
    – Checkboxes (multiple answer question where the participant can select more than one answer choice)
    – Radio buttons (to make the answer exclusive)
  3. Below the answer options, click the Subquestion icon (question mark).
  4. Customise the label for the comment box (e.g. "Why?"). 


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