Adding a "Play Again" button

By adding a "Play again" button, you can allow participants to retake quizzes if they are not satisfied with their performance. Participants will see the Play Again button when they complete the quiz and view the scores.


To create a button, first go to the "Exit screen" step and enter the text you want to appear in the button.

Once this text has been added (here: "Play again"), select it and click on the button icon.

A new pop-up will appear, on which you need to add the campaign URL.

! Please note that the campaign must be activated for the button to work during the tests ! 


By default, the URL will be opened in a new window. However, you can change this setting in the Target widget to “Parent” to remain in the Parent window.


Here you can find more information on the different target options:

Value Description
_blank Opens in a new window or tab
_top Opens in the full body of the window
_self Opens in the same frame
_parent Opens in the parent frame


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