Qualifio data layer

In the header of every page of a Qualifio campaign is a small script. This script is the Qualifio data layer (qlfDataLayer). A data layer is an object that contains all of the information that you might want to pass to various tools for analytics and/or marketing tags. The data layer is the source of a vast amount of customer interaction data, website-related data and campaign data, which can fuel a tag management system such as Google Tag Manager and power additional tracking vendors like Google Analytics.

What does a data layer look like?

<script>qlfDataLayer = [{"device":"desktop","optins":[],"form_submitted":0,"isWinner":"null","domain":"demo.qualifioapp.com","query_string":"","channel_guid":"B4221247-9CE4-4F3C-8255-1DB9FA3BE552","step":"questionset","thematics":[],"campaign_id":123456,"campaign_guid":"54973303-E076-4C85-94FA-63F68D780181","pgi":1,"parentURL":"https://qualifio.com/product/campaign-formats/quiz/","isIdentified":1,"lg":"en","title":"My demo campaign","score":0,"preview":false,"page_path":"/123456/en/1/questionset/1","pg":1}]</script>

This data layer can be used by any JavaScript (for instance the ones of Google Analytics or Tag Manager).

What information is stored in the Qualifio data layer?

Information Attribute Type Example value
Participant's device device Text desktop, mobile
Acceptation of opt-ins optins Array of numbers (IDs of the accepted opt-ins) [10, 24, 56]
Submitting of forms form_submitted 0, 1 On the screen right after the form was completed, the value will be 1. On all other screens of the campaign, the value will be 0.
Winner participant isWinner Text null
Campaign hostname domain Provides the hostname portion of the current page demo.qualifioapp.com
UTM parameters  query_string Provides the UTM parameters of the current page ?utmsource=test&utmmedium=test
Globally Unique Identifier of the channel channel_guid String of 36 characters, divided by 4 hyphens, specific per channel B4221247-9CE4-4F3C-8255-1DB9FA3BE552
Campaign step name step Text

intro = welcome screen
questionset = questionnaire
identityset = form
exit = exit screen

Campaign thematics thematics Array of numbers (IDs of the thematics selected in the campaign) [10, 24, 56]
Campaign ID campaign_id Numeric value (6 digits) 123456
Globally Unique Identifier of the campaign campaign_guid String of 36 characters, divided by 4 hyphens, specific per campaign 54973303-E076-4C85-94FA-63F68D780181
Campaign page number pgi Numeric value 2 for the second question (although it could be the third screen of your campaign)
Campaign URL parentURL Returns the URL of the page loaded https://qualifio.com/product/campaign-formats/quiz/
Campaign mode isIdentified 0, 1 0 in anonymous campaigns, 1 in identified campaigns
Campaign language lg Two-letter ISO code "en" for English
Campaign title title As provided in Qualifio "My demo campaign"
Score score Numeric value 15
Preview mode preview True, false false
Page path page_path Provides the path portion of the current page (/campaign_id/lg/pg/step/pgi) /123456/en/1/questionset/1
Campaign screen number pg Numeric value 1 for the welcome screen, 2 for the first question, 3 for the second question, etc.
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