Configure CSV drop on your server

As a Qualifio user, you have the option to automate the daily upload of participation data files on your data servers using various protocols. The Push CSV integration allows participation data to automatically be copied to your specified server every day at the end of the day. 


Sending data to your FTPS / SFTP server is one of the simplest ways to get your data from Qualifio. This feature allows participation data in CSV format to be pushed automatically and periodically to your server. SFTP, FTPS and Amazon S3 servers are currently supported. 

What data is included?

We work with a fixed template that contains relevant information about each participation in all the campaigns the integration was enabled for. As this is a standard integration, the way data is ordered is default and cannot be changed. Opt-ins data is not supported by this integration. Also, data is written between quotes and semicolons are used as field separators.

Important note:
The name of the file that Qualifio uploads on your remote server will always be "qualifio_{YYYYMMDD}.csv". This naming convention is fixed and can't be changed. 

Standard file structure

  • playTime: Participation date and time (e.g. 2019-08-12T13:39:28.+0000)
  • participationID: Unique identifier for that participation
  • siteName: Name of the website on which the participation happened
  • siteCountry: Country of the website on which the participation happened
  • campaignID: Unique identifier for the campaign
  • campaignName: Title of the campaign in which the participation happened
  • campaignLanguage: Language of the campaign in which the participation happened
  • themes: Themes assigned to the campaign (and therefore to the participation)
  • utm parameters
  • userAgent: e.g. Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh Intel Mac OS X 10_14_5) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/76.0.3809.100 Safari/537.36
  • ip: Hashed IP address of the participation
  • device: Device used to participate.
  • crmId: Unique ID for Qualifio CRM records.
  • newProfile: Used to determine if this profile previously existed in the Qualifio CRM. The returned value can be TRUE – if the profile is indeed new to the CRM– or FALSE.
  • Participant's data: Information you collected about the participant through the campaign form (e.g. first name, last name, email, birth date, address, gender, company, postal code, etc.) - only standard identification fields, automatically associated with CRM variables.
    • Birthdate format: YYYY/MM/DD

Need for a specific format?

The standard format presented doesn't suit you, Server file Push is not what you're looking for.

If you'd like to see more/other information present in your csv file (like the optins or specific information linked to the campaign configuration itself as a marketing code), please contact your Qualifio Expert to start discussions with the Integration Team.

Qualifio comes with another functionality that is called Automated Exports which confers the possibility to define - with the help of Qualifio team - the exact file format you'd like to receive on a regular basis. Get more insight on the data connection flow by reading How to set up an automated export.


You can download a data file example. With each new participation, we'll add an extra line to that CSV file.

Enable the Push in the Back-Office

  1. Head to the Settings
  2. Click on Integrations & Partners
  3. Select CSV file to FTPs/sFTP server from the list
  4. Use the ON/OFF button to enable or disable this integration

Now, click on Configure. You'll be directed to a page where you can enter information.

Configuring the Server

To configure the server push, you must specify settings for the following fields:

File server host: The address of the server to which the data is to be uploaded. This address can be entered as a numeric IP address or a valid DNS address.

File server login: The username required to log in to the server.

File server password: The password required to log in to the server.

File server port: The port used by your server.

File server path: The directory structure to follow to upload the file(s)

Click on Save.

Important note:
It is likely your infrastructure requires to whitelist Qualifio's IP's. You can find the exhaustive list here: IP whitelisting

Enable the Push for a Website, Master Form or Campaign

After adding the Server file Push integration, it will show in the Settings > Push rules.

As an Admin or Marketer, this is where you can configure where your integration will be enabled. Further details can be found here.


  • The file is uploaded on the configured server every day at 2:00 AM (GMT/Brussels time). This timing is default and cannot be changed.
  • The connection is incremental, meaning that one file will be uploaded with information collected from all campaigns since the last upload. This avoids having to manage data duplication on your side by receiving every day past participations.
  • If the upload to your file server fails five times in a row on Monday, we will try again on Tuesday. On Tuesday, you will thus receive both the data from Monday and Tuesday. However, these data will be compiled within one file.
  • The ability to push participation data to a server allows you to store it indefinitely, as opposed to storing it in Qualifio, which has a maximum data retention period of 2 years.
  • This connection can be applied to campaigns running with real-time push too. 

After reading this article, if you need more help using this connection, please contact your Qualifio Expert.

Related topic: Connect Qualifio with the tools you already use to have all your data in one place

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