Turn off question numbers and "Your information" subtitle

Qualifio campaigns are designed to automatically number questions.


In case this doesn't meet your needs, you might want to change this setting.

To remove question numbers go to Look & Feel > Texts and uncheck the option Show subtitles.


This will turn off question numbers in your campaign, as well as the Your information subtitle on your form.

Once the default subtitles are turned off, you can return to the Form step of your campaign and manually add the text you desire under Optional text above or below the form.


This also applies to the reverse setting: if you want to remove the Your information subtitle, it will also turn off question numbers in your campaign.

Removing "Your information" subtitle with CSS

This subtitle can be turned off by going to Look & feel > Change campaign's look & feel > Custom code & tags > CSS. You can use the following CSS code:

.questionset h2.campaign_step {
display: none;

Removing question numbers with CSS

Question numbers can be turned off by going to Look & feel > Change campaign's look & feel > Custom code & tags > CSS. You can use the following CSS code:

.identityset h2.campaign_step {
display: none;
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