Incomplete participations

What's on this page:

About incomplete participations
Understanding incomplete participations
Identifying incomplete participations in your campaign statistics
Setting a push condition for incomplete participations

About incomplete participations

After a campaign participation starts, the participant has a certain amount of time (60 minutes) allotted for them to complete their participation.

This is happening regardless of the campaign’s status or publication dates, which are used to determine when a user can start a new participation, not how long they have to complete it.

Sometimes, participants will only get halfway through a campaign before they quit. On this page, you will learn all about incomplete participations, including how Qualifio stores campaign progress and how incomplete participations are reported in the statistics.

Understanding incomplete participations

As a participant progresses through a campaign, the answers they input are securely sent to Qualifio servers and stored as a “participation in progress”. Once a participant completes the campaign, their participation is moved from the “participation in progress” section over to campaign statistics, where it will show up in reports and in downloaded data.

If a participant closes their web browser without finishing the campaign, the participation will stay in “participations in progress” for about an hour, just in case the participant comes back to finish.

If the participant doesn't come back within the allotted timeframe, the participation will expire and will automatically be deleted unless the participant submitted the form.

Tip: In the context of an anonymous campaign, it means the participant would have to complete their participation without a break.

Identifying incomplete participations in your campaign statistics

The participation progress is only saved to the statistics as the participant

  • submits the form (identified campaigns),
  • or views the exit screen (anonymous campaigns).

If a participant hasn’t met either of the criteria above and the participation expires, it won’t be saved in the campaign statistics.

When you check the participations in your Qualifio campaign via Statistics > Detailed reporting, and/or when you download a report of your campaign, you might notice that some participations have empty cells:


This is how you can easily identify incomplete participations in your data. In the example above, the participant named Duke Booth initiated a participation and entered their data in the form. They might then have abandoned the campaign by closing their browser window, or perhaps they're just not done yet and are currently busy with your campaign.

In that case, as soon as they finish completing the questionnaire or playing the game, we will move the data to the campaign statistics and update the corresponding row.

Setting a push condition for incomplete participations

If you have a push integration between our platform and one of your systems, the incomplete participations can either be pushed or ignored. This option allows you to choose which incomplete participations should be pushed into your system:


To define a push condition:

  1. Open Integrations in the Integrations section.
  2. Go to Webhook 2.0 or to your push integration.
  3. Select Configure.
  4. Select what you'd like to happen went the participation is incomplete:
    • If you keep “No” selected, we won’t push the participation data when the deadline for expiry is met.
    • Push the data when the deadline for expiry is met and if the campaign’s form was submitted.
    • Push the data when the deadline for expiry is met and if the campaign’s form or questionnaire was submitted.
    • Push the data when the deadline for expiry is met and even if the participation is incomplete is empty (for example, if no questions have been answered).

Customising this aspect of your push integration makes it possible, for example, that you only send emails to participants who have started but not completed your campaign. You can easily identify them so that you can follow up on them as their payload shows the status "PARTIAL".

Attention: Be aware that we offer different ways to integrate with our platform, and this setting is only available with asynchronous push integrations. Questions? Need more info? Contact us, we can help!


Does a participation expire? Under what circumstances?

Yes, a participation can expire. After someone begins a participation, they will have 60 minutes to complete it. This setting cannot be adjusted.

If the participation stays inactive for over an hour, it is considered “abandoned” and thus expires. An expired participation means that no additional data can be added.

Can I change the push condition at any time?

Absolutely! You can change this setting at any time, even when collecting and pushing data. However, please note that the push behaviour set for incomplete participations is locked when the participation expires.

For example, let’s say a user starts a participation when the setting is set to “No”, and you then change it to “Yes, no matter how incomplete the participation is”, which will be the active setting when their participation expires. The incomplete participation will be pushed.

However, your configuration might not be updated right away, and that is due to a 10-minute cache. Think of it as the time it takes for campaigns to update.

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