Integration with DQE: email and postal address validation/auto-suggestion

In some situations, campaign participants provide their details but make mistakes or give invalid information. Auto-suggestion and/or validation ensures the data submitted is valid so you can feel confident in your upcoming marketing efforts.

This article walks you through the steps required to turn on DQE address suggestion and email suggestion/validation in your Qualifio account.

Before you get started

To connect Qualifio and DQE, you need a valid DQE One licence. You can contact us if you don’t have one already.

How does it work?

Setting up the DQE integration allows real-time postal address suggestion / email suggestion/validation, using API. Depending of your licence it works for both for email and physical addresses. The process takes addresses submitted by participants and compares them to the DQE database.

Example Qualifio form with DQE Email


Example Qualifio form with DQE Address Auto-suggestion


If you choose to add a “Country” field to your form, we strongly recommend placing it before the other address fields. This can make filling in the form quicker and easier, as participants have to select the correct option from the “Country” field first to get the “Address” options that are applicable to them.

How to integrate DQE with Qualifio

Now let’s get started with a step-by-step guide to help you connect Qualifio and DQE. This initial configuration only needs to be done once.

Note: Only Admins can turn the integration on and configure it.


  1. Start by clicking Settings in the top menu of Qualifio.
  2. From this page, find Integrations & partners.
  3. Click the DQE integration.
  4. Enter the following URL for descriptor endpoint:
  5. Insert your DQE licence key in the DQE License field.
  6. If you have a DQE Address licence, this integration can help with address suggestions but not with corrections (input with autocomplete, but no feedback to verify the postal address).
  7. If you have a DQE Email licence, it allows you to do:

    • Email suggestions: with this option enabled, DQE will suggest email addresses based on the participant’s name. Then, they can just pick the right one from the list.
      To improve email suggestions, it’s a good idea to include a country field in the form. Otherwise, DQE will use the default country set for your Qualifio website. For example, if your website’s default country is The Netherlands, DQE will suggest .nl domains for email addresses.

      Note: DQE supports 220+ countries, but all of them may not be covered in your DQE licence. If your website’s default country isn’t covered, or if the country field isn’t filled out before the email field, DQE will fall back on their primary country (France).
    • Email verification: with this option enabled, DQE will verify that the email address entered by the participant really exists. If DQE is unable to verify the email address, the participant will receive an error: “This field is not valid.”
  8. Enable these options as desired by setting the dropdown to “Yes”. You can change “Yes” to “No” at any time.


After you have finished your configuration, click Save. At this point, the integration is ready – congrats! 🏆

How to set up the address auto-suggestion/ email auto-suggestion/validation in your Master Form

Now the exciting part! For each Master Form you wish to activate address validation for, follow these steps:

  1. Browse to the Forms in the Documents tab.
  2. Click Edit next to your Master Form, then locate the Postal code normalisation & data validation option under the General Master Form settings.
  3. From the menu, select DQE Address to enable auto-suggestion for postal addresses and/or DQE Email to enable validation for email addresses.
  4. Select whether or not Qualifio should Lock this option. If enabled, no one can change this setting. Read more: About Master Forms
  5. Click Save.

Note! Make sure your form has the following fields: email address to enable DQE Email; address (street) to enable DQE Address. You can optionally include other fields.

How to set up the address validation in your campaign

For each campaign you wish to activate address validation for, follow these steps:

  1. Browse to the Form step in your campaign or to a form in the Documents tab.
  2. Locate the Custom field validation option under the Data validation settings.
  3. From the menu, select DQE Address to enable auto-suggestion for postal addresses and/or DQE Email to enable auto-suggestion/validation for email addresses.
  4. Click Save.

Now your form should be ready to go!

All done! Before going live, as always, Qualifio recommends to test your DQE integration for address/email and make sure it handles different flows correctly 🙂

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