Program currencies

Set up the currencies for your rewards program so that members earn points (or “currency units”) when they perform certain activities in the program. This guide walks you through defining your currency.

Before you begin

You should set up a currency before you begin setting up your program rules.

What's the point?

Have you ever wondered why points are used in a rewards program? The answer is that:

  • points refer to the currency units that the members earn for redemption,
  • and points are also used for a member’s level evaluation.

Create a rewards program currency

To create a currency associated with your program:

  1. Select your rewards program.
  2. From the Settings tab, click Currencies.
  3. Enter a name for the currency which will later be used throughout the program.
  4. Customise your currency image. The JPG and PNG file types are compatible.


Expire a currency

For Expiry, the Qualifio app offers 4 types of expiry that you can incorporate into your program structure:

  • Doesn’t Expire
    • Points will not expire and can be used indefinitely.
    • Example: If a member earns 100 points on April 15, 2022, those points will remain valid forever.
  • Expires After a Limited Time
    • Points will expire after a specified period from the date they were issued. You can set the expiration period in days, weeks, months, or years.
    • Example: If a member earns 100 points on April 15, 2022, and the expiry is set to one year, those points will expire on April 15, 2023. A value of “0” means the points will never expire.
  • Expires on a Specific Date
    • Points will expire on a predefined date, regardless of when they were earned.
    • Example: If a member earns 100 points on April 15, 2022, and the expiry date is set to January 1, 2023, those points will expire on January 1, 2023.
  • Expires at the End of the Month
    • Points will expire at the end of each month.
    • Example:
      • if activating the expiry in March, points earned as of this date will expire on March 31.
      • the following month, points earned in April will expire on April 30.

Use the retro-activity toggle to decide whether to apply your changes retroactively or not when updating an existing expiry :

  • when put ON, the new expiry date will apply to all points earned by members so far.
  • when left OFF, the new expiry date will apply only to points earned as of the moment you update the expiration.

Earning points

Your members will gather currency units based on their interactions with your brand. A value can be assigned to any activity in order to reward specific behaviours. For details on rewardable actions, learn more about earning rules.

For example, let’s say you want to set up how many points your member will receive after placing an order.

  • You could award points for every €1 that they spend with you:


  • You would also be able to give your members 10 points per €1:


  • We also support awarding 1 point per €10 (by actually awarding 0.1 points per €1):


And you can customise the points value for each earning rule!

Multi-currency programs: member view

To display the currency information to your members, the dedicated widget must be added to the portal of your program.

The Currency widget allows for the currency information to display in accordance with the currency chosen within the widget options:


To see a full list of widgets and how to use them within the editor, click here.

Please note:
If a purchase or redemption occurred in the currency “Stars”, it will also be displayed in “Stars” in the transaction history, no matter which currency is set within the Currency widget options.
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