Migrate to the Qualifio Tag Library

In this tutorial, we’ll go through the steps to migrate your current tags’ local implementation to the new centralised Tag Library.

Before you begin

What is the Tag Library?

The Tag Library is the new tag management system within Qualifio. It offers a centralised place to manage and control JavaScript and HTML tags, so your business can deliver compliant digital experiences.

The Tag Library replaces the previous tag management functionalities found in Qualifio. If you have existing tags, you can migrate them to the library.

This migration is only necessary if your company has been using Qualifio before September 2022.

Why migrate to the Tag Library?

  • Compliance: with recent changes across Europe that affect cookie placement, it’s important to make sure your tag implementation stays compliant. The Tag Library offers greater control over how and where the data is tracked in your Qualifio campaigns by providing an easy way to configure and reuse a defined list of authorised tags.
  • Centralised management: previously, any tags could be added manually by users at the website, template or campaign level. The Tag Library features a centralised system that allows you to enforce tagging consistency. Each campaign can still be tagged, but you restrict the tags that can be used based on the library.
  • Cleanup opportunity: migrating to the Tag Library is also an opportunity to save your team’s time by fixing whatever might be messy with your current tracking setup and to unify the tagging plan across all your campaigns.

Some new features in Qualifio are only available when using the Tag Library, so we highly recommend that tags are migrated.


✅ Permission required: Qualifio Admin. To migrate to the Tag Library, you must log in as an admin in Qualifio. Learn more: User role permissions

At a high level, the migration steps will look like this:

  1. Import existing tags to your library
  2. Explore your new library and validate its content
  3. Retroactively apply the tags to all campaigns

For more information, see Using the Qualifio Tag Library with a tag manager.

Though it may sound intimidating, we will guide you through the migration process and help you get there quickly. And, if you have any concerns, our Support can answer your questions.

⭐️ Request a consultation with our Tags Expert. As part of our paid Professional Services, Qualifio is offering a one-time opportunity to perform your migration to the new Tag Library, for customers currently on the Platinum service level. Get a Discovery Session to find out the best tag implementation and migration approach for your organisation!

Step 1: Import existing tags to your library

Qualifio offers an automatic import tool to fill your new library with existing tags.

❗️Caution: Tag import/migration is “one way” and cannot be rolled back.

To access it:

  1. Select Settings from the menu.
  2. Select Tag Library, then Tags.
  3. On the Tags screen, click Import existing tags.
  4. A pop-up appears. Read the instructions and click Import.


⚠️ If any tags are present in campaign text editors or any other places that are not mentioned in the pop-up above, they won’t be imported.

The import will run. When it completes, Qualifio will bring up this message to confirm that everything worked as expected:


A known limitation is that we import tag content in a 1:1 state:

  • If the same tag has been added to 1 website and inherited in 7 different campaigns, it will be imported a total of 8 times into the library. Therefore, most of our clients will end up having a lot of different tags.
  • An imported tag contains all the contents of a “Tags” section. For instance, if the “Tags” section of a campaign contains your pixel code for Facebook, as well as a tag from Google Tag Manager, Qualifio won’t break up the content and provide two separate tags in the Tag Library; both tags will be grouped together.

That is why, now that the automated import is complete, your setup needs a bit more work…

Step 2: Explore your new library, validate and clean up its content

Review the tags you have imported and archive the ones you don’t need.

⚠️ Note: This is the most important step in migration. As an Admin, you’re going to define which tags can be used by all users in your account.

Take a tour of your new library. Two tag types are active by default and can thus already be added to content throughout your account:

  • website tags (from Settings > Websites > Tags)
  • template tags (from Documents > minisite and campaign templates)

If you want to follow Qualifio’s recommendations, review this default list of tags and archive the ones you don’t need.

Archiving a tag removes it from your list of active tags, so it can no longer be added to new content. However, the archived tag will continue to work in instances where it has already been applied.

To archive a tag, click Archive in the options to the right of the tag:


Archiving unneeded tags also makes it quicker and easier for your team to find and add the tags they need.

Note: It is also possible to permanently delete tags you no longer need. However, the deleted tag will stop working in instances where it had previously been applied. To permanently delete a tag, click Delete in the options to the right of the tag.

You would take this same action for other active tags that do not adhere to your tag policy.

Why review my imported tags?

If you’ve been using a lot of different tags implemented at the minisite or campaign level, Qualifio might not be able to tell which of these tags should be part of your library. In such cases, you might want to retrieve and validate some of them manually.

To see all of your tags imported from individual campaigns and minisites, navigate to the filter options and select Imported tags:


To add an imported tag to your library of authorised tags, click on it to open the details. If the data looks good, click Continue to edit the name and review the content of the tag:


⭐️ Important: The Usage tab analyses the content of your account and generates a report that lists all occurrences of this tag. You can find more information about the feature here.

Rename the tag by editing the name field value with the name of your choice. You can also review the tag content and, once you are satisfied with the changes, click Save.

When you select the option to save the tag, all of the following will occur:

  1. It validates the content of the tag as authorised.
  2. It switches the status of the tag from Imported to Active.
  3. This newly validated tag replaces the old one in all the campaigns it was assigned to.

You would take this same action for other imported tags, provided they adhere to your tag policy.

About tag variables

When reviewing your tags, you may have noticed a section called “Tag variables”. Tag variables in Qualifio are placeholders for values that are replaced when the campaign loads on your website. Typically, variables are used when you are using the same tag with a different ID for each brand. For example, two different teams in your company measure traffic on Google Analytics and use separate properties. In this post, we dig deeper into these variables and explain in more detail how you can use them most efficiently.

Step 3: Retroactively apply the tags to all campaigns

Retroactively apply the tags to every campaign with a specific website or template assigned.

Website- or template-wide tagging (tagging that’s applied to every campaign on your website or using your template) is the recommended option to ensure consistent and compliant tracking of your campaigns.

To add a tag to every campaign (including existing campaigns) assigned to

  • a website: head to Settings > Websites
  • a minisite template: head to Documents > Minisite templates
  • a campaign template: head to Documents > Campaign templates

From the page, click </> (Tags) to the right of the website/template. Select an existing tag you want to add by typing it out in the search bar. Then click the checkbox “Also apply to existing campaigns” below the search bar and click Save.


⭐️ Important: Add tags retroactively to see your new tag policy applied to historical and duplicated campaigns. This would overwrite the existing tags in these campaigns.

So, that’s all. Now, when creating a new campaign, your team will see the option to add tags below the campaign name and publication dates (in the Channels step):


🤚🏼 It’s important to remember: users can only choose from your list of active tags. Inactive, imported and archived tags cannot be added to your content by other users. They also can’t add their own custom code and scripts to a website or an individual campaign.

We recommend that you plan communication with the users in your account to let them know the Tag Library is ready to use. Qualifio users can learn more about using the Tag Library here.

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