Campaign tagging & tracking in Qualifio

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When working on campaigns, including for advertisers, you sometimes have to add third-party tracking tags (also known as pixels) from Google Analytics and more. But tagging campaigns can be confusing if it’s the first time you’re doing it. In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to tag your Qualifio campaigns. Let’s go!

Note: If you choose to track individual campaigns, you’ll need to install the tags manually on each new campaign. It is also possible to apply these tags to Qualifio websites or templates.

How do I add tracking tags to a campaign?

Note: Admin users use the Tag Library to manage all the tags in one place. They can create, edit or delete tags, view campaigns to which a given tag was assigned, and more.

When you’re creating or editing a campaign, you have the option to add one or more tracking tags coming from that library.

To tag a campaign, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the Channels step.
  2. Under Tags > Tracking tags and pixels, click the drop-down menu to see the different tags that can be used in your campaign:
  3. Search for and/or choose a tag in the list.
  4. Congratulations, you have added a tag to your campaign! From here, you can repeat this process to add more tags.

Note: Once selected, you can click each tag name to open a detailed view.


To remove an individual tag, select x on the right side of the tag.

Note: To add a new tag, Admins can click New tag… in the drop-down menu. By default, users without admin rights cannot add new tags to the Tag Library. If you’re not comfortable with the different tags available, you can consult with your admin directly or let us know if you need further help.

Inserting a variable value

Qualifio also supports the use of variables that allow you to capture and pass values to tracking tags.

If some of the tags contain a variable, we’ll display curly braces ( { } ) in front of the tag name.


Specifying the value to be used in your campaign can be required or optional. If the value is set as mandatory by the Administrator, a dialogue box appears with a detailed view of the tag content and an extra field in which you can enter a value for this specific campaign.

An example tag with a required variable could look like this:


Editing tags

By default, users without admin rights cannot edit tags.

To edit a tag name or content from a campaign:

  1. Click a tag name.
  2. Click the icon to the top left of the dialogue box and select Edit tag.
  3. The Tag Library opens, where you can edit the selected tag.
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