CSS: Hide day number in calendar templates

T.V -

Is there any way to turn off the day numbers in an Advent calendar template? Yes, and we have prepared a pre-built CSS snippet that will do it for you. Let's jump right in!

Calendar templates are extremely useful. You may use them and adapt them as you see fit. On some occasions, you might want to hide the default day numbers in the calendar view:

  • either they are not needed for the particular calendar
  • or you want to replace them with your own number styling.

Hide day numbers with CSS

Copy the below code and add it to Look & Feel > Change campaign look and feel > Custom code > CSS tab.

#calavent div span {
display: none;

Add your own style!

In addition to hiding the day numbers, you can also upload your own numbered door design in the Calendar step:


Save the changes and enjoy your customised calendar!

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