How to build an obstacle run in Qualifio

In this tutorial, we’re going to show you how to make an obstacle run game where participants have to run without hitting any obstacle. Let’s begin!

Table of contents

  1. Creating the campaign
  2. Game editor overview
  3. Testing the game
  4. Saving the game
  5. Publishing the game
Unlock full access: The obstacle run is part of the Advanced Formats add-on, which also gives you access to the catcher, the penalty, the swap & match and all of our upcoming game formats. To learn more, connect with a Qualifio specialist.

Now that's out of the way, let's get making! 🕹️

Creating the campaign

Start by opening the Create a new campaign menu in Qualifio. Find the Obstacle run campaign type by selecting Games.

Name your campaign and select the appropriate publication channel (minisite or iframe).

Click on the Game step and this will take you to where you can create your game.

You’re going to be basing your game on a premade template (which we call a “ready-to-use game”):


Customise this game to get into the editor.

The quickest way to get started creating your own designs ⚡️
Our Figma kit for the obstacle run includes assets such as icons, backgrounds, avatars and other images from our ready-to-use games. Click the Get a copy button. Afterwards you can select the file you want and export it from Figma.

Game editor overview

Now you are in the game editor, which consists of various tabs. Let’s go over the different sections and what they’re used for.


  • Background image. You can upload a background image (make it 550 px wide, 600 px high). That image is used as a background on all game pages.
  • Sound on/off buttons. Participants can turn audio on and off at will. The “sound off” button will mute all audio in your game, while the “sound on” button will reactivate all audio in your game. Make them 60 px wide, 60 px high.

Game mode

From the list of options, choose a game mode:

  • In the life-based mode, you decide on the number of lives that each participant starts the game with (“life total”, max: 5). A life is lost each time the participant hits an obstacle. The game ends when all lives are lost. E.g. if you have 3 lives and you hit 3 obstacles, you lose the game.
  • In the time-based mode, you set a time limit and participants compete against the clock. They have to be quick to avoid as many obstacles and collect as many objects as they can before time’s out. E.g. you have one minute to score as many points as you can.
Did you know?
For the time-based mode, the game includes acceleration/braking controls. Keyboard controls: use ↑ and ↓ keys to gain some speed or to slow down. On touch screens, braking is accomplished by pulling a finger down; pulling a finger up increases the movement speed.

Obstacle run

Here, the first thing you can do is create the main character 🏃

Now, we want to add some obstacles to our game, too. From here, you can also add in bonus objects and special power-ups to make the game a bit more fun!

  • The invincibility power-up is a “shield” that protects the character from one obstacle 🛡
  • With the extra life power-up, the participant’s life total refills automatically as they receive one more life ❤️
  • With the extra time power-up, the participants continues to play with +5 seconds ⏱
Note: For all images in this tab, make them 50-500 px wide, up to 500 px high.


Panels are interactive in-game screens and are one of the principal elements of the game. They inform players and give them directions on the next move to make.

  • The tutorial panel shows how the game is played and opens up automatically once the game is loaded.
  • The pause panel shows a text with a “Resume” button and opens up automatically when the participants click outside the game.
  • The game-over panel shows the participant’s score and automatically opens up once the game ends.

Sound effects

You can also add sound effects to your game to enhance the experience:

  • Background music to set the atmosphere and help users connect emotionally with the game.
  • Sound effects at crucial moments or during specific actions:
    • when participants click on the start button,
    • when the character hits an obstacle,
    • when the character collects a bonus object,
    • when the game is over or ending.

Testing the game – check that progress! 💪🏼

As you create your game, you’ll want to test it out. To do this, use the game’s four different previews. You’ll be able to play the game like participants would in your Qualifio campaign. Take the time to play around with settings some more if things aren’t exactly how you want them.

Saving the game

You’ve worked on your game for a bit now. How about saving your progress? Well, there are two ways you can do this:

  • If you click on Save & close at the bottom-right corner of the screen, you’ll update the previously existing game in Qualifio.
  • Save as a new game will save the game as a new custom game available for reuse via the tab below or by selecting Documents > Advanced formats:


You can thus choose which way you want to save.

Publishing the game

Right, you’re done! Now it’s time to finish the configuration of the other steps of the campaign and publish it for all to play.

Obstacle runs are responsive games that work on smartphones, tablets and computers. In a mobile device, the game has a “portrait mode” and fills the entire screen.

To ensure responsiveness on smartphones and tablets, campaign integration must be done in the following way:

  1. Create a minisite or iframe channel.
  2. Customise your obstacle run.
  3. Add a mobile channel.
  4. Make use of the minisite/iframe channel smart URL to share. To learn more, please check What is a smart URL and how to use it?


And there you go! You have successfully created and published your obstacle run. We hope you enjoyed the process and thank you for following along with this tutorial! ✌🏼

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